Lifestyle Freedom is living a life that YOU design

Lifestyle Freedom is living a life that YOU design

YOU get to decide how you will spend your time. You get to say YES to things that make your heart ‘sing’ and NO to things that you don’t want. How cool would it be to live a life that you didn’t need a vacation from? There are always going to be things that you have...
The Long and Winding Road to a Portable Career

The Long and Winding Road to a Portable Career

My journey to my current “portable” career, like so many of our entrepreneurial paths, wasn’t a straight line. It was a long winding road of twists, pauses, and new starts. Sue: The World Traveller I was a stay at home mum until my youngest was 11. I...
3 Tools to Improve Your Presence When Presenting

3 Tools to Improve Your Presence When Presenting

Are you someone who is afraid to speak in front of a group? Do you like to hide behind a podium? Do you use lots of filler words, like “ah” and “um” when you present? I was that person when I first started speaking. Brenda’s Experience with Presence when Presenting I...